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Next Shows

Love Explosion (Online)

Frid 12 Feb 7 to 8.30 pm, Zoom meeting online. Talk Roulette Love Explosion, 7th year running, is the most inclusive and welcoming open stage impro show in town where you can take part or just watch volunteers improvising scenes with random partners, now online. Watch the video. Free for all, registration is essential Register now.


SpeakUP (Online)

Thu 15 Apr 7 to 8 pm, Zoom meeting online. Talk Roulette SpeakUP, Give the improvised talk of your life using slides you've never seen before, helped by people you've never met before. What could go wrong? You can also decide to watch only and encourage those taking part, as we build a supportive and appreciative surrounding for all participants. Watch the video. Free for all, registration is essential Register now.

Imprology improv class, London 2016, men and women
Imprology improvisation workshop, London 2016, large group of men and women
Imprology improvisational action mask workshop, London 2016, man and women in ugly masks
Imprology improv show, London 2016, audience laughing
Imprology improvisation class, women and men in London 2016

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All content © imprology 2006-2024 unless otherwise stated.

Photo credit: Daniel Anderson, Joze Far, Sophie Bess, Remy Bertrand