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Imprology improv training logo

Invented Tales

Ensemble Online Impro Course

'Great to know zoom can be used in such an amazing, interactive and fun way! Thank you!' Theresa Rhino

Every Thursday from 21 Nov to 12 Dec 7 to 9 pm (London, UTC) Online. 8 participants max. for 4 sessions.

This course includes a free one-on-one online coaching session with your teacher. Just ask them.

Pay Forward £120. Regular £100. Starter £80.   

Choose the starter rate if you have never taken a class with us. Consider paying forward if you can, to help provide access for all. If you can't afford this course, contact us here. By booking with us, you agree to our terms and conditions.

Schedule a video call with us if you still have questions.

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Terms and Conditions


Online booking transactions are executed by Paypal and we do not access or store your banking details.

To cancel or reschedule your booking

For booking paid in full, please give us notice at least 30 days before the start of your course, by email, stating your name, contact details and your course's reference. We will refund your cancellations in full to the account initially charged minus paypal charge, circa 3%, or transfer the full value of your booking onto another course of your choosing. No refund or rescheduling will be considered after this time limit or if you don't show up. Deposits are non-refundble.

Should we need to cancel

Should any unforeseeable event force us to cancel a class or a series of classes, you will be offered the choice between an alternative class or a full refund. No refund or alternative will be available if a course is disrupted by an Act Of God.

Free taster

If you want to offer a free taster to a friend, simply leave a testimonial on imprology's Facebook or Google page and get in touch.

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If you can't afford to pay the listed price because it would genuinely deprive you of the indispensable, please get in touch with us at and include:

- The course references G201440 Thursday 7 to 9 pm (London, UTC), 21 Nov to 12 Dec.
- The amount of money you can afford to pay for this course;
- Any non-monetary way(s) you are offering to contribute.


If you have more than you need, please consider donating. All the money received this way will improve access to our courses. On average, at least two people access our classes by special arrangement on each given cycle.

imprology class and online meeting, London, 2016 and 2020

imprology workshop, London, 2015

Zootrophice rehearsal, London, 2017

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All content © imprology 2006-2024 unless otherwise stated.

Photo credit: Daniel Anderson, Joze Far, Sophie Bess, Remy Bertrand